
EY Managing Partner Roadshow Event

EY Managing Partner Roadshow 2019

The EY Managing Partner Roadshow is an annual event, hosted in 3 locations for more then 2,500 EY employees across the island of Ireland. It’s an opportunity to give EY employees a unique, impactful experience, hear from EY Ireland’s Managing Partner, learn from external speakers, and walk away feeling inspired, feeling proud to work for EY.

 I led the core Creative team, collaborating with a motion graphics designer and document producer to create the Roadshow’s presentation and all communications materials to promote the event. In addition to leading the Creative team, I was the Creative representative in all project management meetings in the lead-up to the event.

The theme of the Roadshow was 'different paths, shared journey'. I took the concept of bringing the business together, and created a strong concept using weave as a metaphor for the different paths or experiences people have in EY, and showing how those experiences thread, weave or combine together on a shared journey.

The final presentation had the weave concept continuously flow throughout, combining PowerPoint, motion graphics and video.


EY’s Communications Team had the theme 'different paths, shared journey', and the vision to show the impact and benefit of bringing all EY Ireland employees together for the Managing Partner Roadshow 2019. I wanted to take this message of bringing the business together, and create a strong concept using weave as a metaphor for the different paths or experiences people have in EY, and show how those experiences thread, weave or combine together on a shared journey.



Three individual threads weave together to make shapes, expressive text and the EY logo. The threads, each unique with their own characteristics, wind together to create something greater than the sum of their parts - this idea underpins all the the static, motion and video assets created for the events. Three threads weave continuously through the final event presentation from start to end, connecting each slide and section together into an ongoing story.