
EY Financial Services Digital Advertising

 Digital Advertising

‘Minds Made For FS’

For the first time, EY’s Financial Services Leadership team were launching a digital advertising campaign, in partnership with web design agency, SimplyZesty. This was primarily an awareness campaign, designed to highlight EYFS leadership as experts, drive traffic to their website and increase engagement with their content.

I was responsible for developing the concept, creation of static assets, liaising with a motion graphics designer, copy writer and SimplyZesty. I'm currently consulting with SimplyZesty on behalf of the EY brand in the development of a new EYFS website, due to launch later this year.


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 Through an in depth briefing session, we completed an exercise to understand the tone of the campaign, the target audience, the goals and unique selling point of the project. We also developed a mission statement for the project.

We want to build the reputation of our leaders in the market as ‘Minds Made for Financial Services’ – visible experts in their field who understand the challenges facing financial services professionals and are best positioned to help solve these challenges.


I worked with a motion graphic designer to expand on the outputs from the brief, and research how our advertisements would be shown across the web. Our designs had to work across responsive advertising, standard uploaded sizes, and sponsored social media advertising.

We also analysed how EY in other countries had approached online advertising, and what our competitors are doing. From this research, we confirmed that the visual concept should be a flexible framework of interchangeable assets, rather than a single image or message.

I decided to use a mix of stock and portrait photography, the stock imagery was ideal the build awareness via responsive advertising, while photography of EYFS Leadership would help build their personal brand across curated websites and social media.


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(Google Display)


(Google Display)





The concept was subsequently adapted for printed advertising in the Sunday Times, and further expanded for an online recruitment drive across social media.